Clients & Candidates

WestChef is committed to providing a safe working environment, as far as practicable to ensure both their clients and candidates are not exposed to hazards or injuries. This is achieved by:

  • Working closely with the client to develop safe systems at work.
  • Providing information, instruction, training and supervision to candidates to ensure there is a clear match of the candidate’s skills to the requirements of the job.
  • Assisting in the consultation, cooperation and issue resolution process where required.
  • Reporting of incidents and hazards to the relevant personnel to prevent reoccurrences and to ensure that corrective actions can be identified and recommended.

Injury Management

WestChef aims to assist injured workers to return to work as safely and as soon as medically appropriate. WestChef supports the injury management process and recognizes that its success relies on the active participation and cooperation of the injured worker, their treating doctor and the employer. At WestChef, we value early reporting of injuries so that the injury management system can be applied at the earliest opportunity.